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Custom Clinical Care Tailored To You

A Longstanding Clinic Rooted in Community

Founded in 2010, Integrative Psychotherapy Associates, LLC, has established itself as a preeminent provider of mental health services in the communities we serve. Our integrative approach is rooted in a holistic model of human well-being that incorporates all facets of the person including mind, body, spirit, and culture. Our team of exceptional therapists work in a supportive and collegial private practice milieu to provide full continuity of care across the lifespan, offering services for children, adolescents, and adults in individual, couple, and family formats.

Our Mission and Vision…
At IPA, we envision a world where mental health services are readily available for all who need them. Our mission is to increase access to high-quality care throughout the greater Chicagoland area and beyond to those in the state of Illinois who could benefit from remote services. We continue to expand our range of services and providers to better match the diversity of needs, backgrounds, and identities brought by those who seek our help.

As a group practice, we share a set of values that fundamentally define who we are:

  • We prioritize reciprocal processes like dialogue and collaboration over hierarchical relationships.
  • We rely on transparency and open communication to build rapport and trust.
  • We aim for integrity, a word that can mean 'principled' and 'genuine' but also 'unified' and 'whole'.

These are the values that guide our efforts, from hiring to management to clinical service itself. We seek to embody these values through a shared commitment to our dual goals of expanded access and diversity of our services and optimal wellness of those in our care.

If you are interested in more information about our practice, or would like to speak to someone about beginning therapy, please reach out to us …

(708) 386-8800 ext.100inquiry@ipa-llc.comContct Form

About Integrative Psychotherapy Associates, a leading provider of marriage counseling in Chicago, IL.

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